Why can I not see this option?
In this post here there is a screenshot showing the "HIDE TITLE BAR IN MAIN WINDOW" setting.



Does anybody know why I do not have or cannot find this option?

Thank you in advance.

Has this option been removed?
Which version of Amber are you running, and where did you get it from?

Concerning that second point, if I remember well the stable version in the official repo tends to lag somewhat behind the one in the Amber repo linked to in the main install thread in this section.
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I'm on 3.4.11 from the Kodi Repo. I see now that from the first post the Github and Amber Repo's are a higher version than Kodi's Official Repo. I didnt realise this because the post that I was referencing is from over 2 years ago I would have thought that the Kodi Repo version would have been updated sooner.

Do you happen to know why the official one lags behind so much (ie more than 2 years).

I will add the Amber Repo and update and hopefully it should be sorted.

Thank you for your help.
It has been updated in the last two years, but it tends to lag behind simply as it's the stable version that has been around for a while and so the bugs that may have crept in tend to have been fixed by more advanced users who use the repo.
I'm not at home so can't check what versions are where at the moment, but it could be one possible reason for what you are seeing.
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Why can I not see this option?0