Info shortcut not working, Cast and Refresh menu options disabled
Hello Everyone,

I recently rebuilt our HTPC, which went smoothly and no issues at all.  I had everything installed onto an ALL SSD setup.

A week after I had it all running, the TV input or HDMI output did not initialize the signal correctly and could not see the 'display'.  I did several things in an attempt to get it to display, but I had to reset the PC while it was running.  It was at that point, as far as I know, that the menu items for Cast and Refresh, under Movie Library, were disabled.  Also, I could no longer hit 'I' for Information screen, I have to do 'C' for Context and then Information.

I have the latest Mint 21.1 (same as on all of our PCs), but did end up adding the repository to get the latest KODI, as 19.x was installed from the Mint install.
Anyone?  Is my question too remedial or the wrong location for this question?
(2023-05-05, 23:31)tweecer Wrote: I have the latest Mint 21.1 (same as on all of our PCs), but did end up adding the repository to get the latest KODI, as 19.x was installed from the Mint install.

"Latest" is not an official version number, so it is best to use name and shirt numbers at all times. The location of your question is correct.

A PC not working correctly after it did work correctly is one of life's mysteries, and not easily to solve from a distance. Also, Linux Mint seems to have become a grab bag of different hiccups over the years as far as Kodi is concerned, hiccups that don't seem to happen to the regular Ubuntu users for some reason. If items on context menus have changed in any way, it's usually something derived from changes in the underlying operating system. Something could change with updates to Linux Mint and be out of the reach of Kodi. With no further technical info from your side, that's difficult to comment further on. Perhaps your HDMI cable has encountered a hair fracture and can therefore no longer do a proper handshake? Try a different HDMI cable.

Normally, a handshake between PC and TV as far as a HDMI signal goes should not interfere with how Kodi is running. It is also likely hard to catch the problem in Kodi's own debug log (wiki). Your own Mint's linux journal should report on such hardware problems.

As a side note, Kodi development for Ubuntu Linux PPAs has been halted for the time being as the leading TeamKodi member on Linux will be focusing more on his personal life and work situation. It's a bit unsure at this moment how this all will work out for Kodi on Linux in the near future.
(2023-05-13, 02:22)tweecer Wrote: Anyone?  Is my question too remedial or the wrong location for this question?
no not too remedial of a question just too remedial of information provided

you said you have linux mint 21.1 and thats about all

since the behavior stated not working is controlled by the skin primarily it would at least be useful to know which skin

since youre not using the version of kodi intended for mint provided by the mint project it would be useful to know what version and branch it came from, i assume you did a ppa but having to assume things will not lead to answers

are you positive that the version is compatible, if its from the ubuntu ppa just because mint is a flavor of ubuntu doesnt ensure it is

is kodi receiving the keyboard input correctly?

most of these answers can be had if you post your Debug Log (instructions in the link)

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Info shortcut not working, Cast and Refresh menu options disabled0