Information Need Help with Azure Active Directory B2C Authentication
Hey everyone,

Does anyone have working microsoft authentication (or experience with it).

CBC (the Canadian public broadcaster) has switched their auth providers and I'm having a hard time getting it working again.

My branch:

The login site redirects to their authorization service...

If anyone has worked with this auth system before I'd love a hand (or a link to some working code) as I can't quite get it working, despite my best efforts to reverse engineer it.

Look for "Device Flow" in MS Oauth docs.
Thanks @Roman_V_M,

Are you talking about Also are you basing that because I said its Microsoft or after having a look at the traces?

Whats described there is a basic auth flow (all of them are) but what I'm seeing in the chrome debugger is considerably more convoluted.

EDIT: hmmm.... still a good shout though -- the more I read it seems to be Azure Active Directory B2C (
OK, I forgot to tell requests allow_redirects=False - pretty sure the tokens were there the whole time.

What a waste of time -- thanks everyone.

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Need Help with Azure Active Directory B2C Authentication0