Linux Network drive no longer connecting

I have a network drive, that has been fine for 2 years. All of a sudden when playing a file I get the 'This file can no longer be found' message. 

It appears to be a problem with naming, the drive was previously named:


Now, it seems to be named NETWORKDRIVE_      and I can't seem to change the name of it back.

Therefore I can access it via the files menu but all previously scraped files into my library won't play. This drive was not renamed by me at all, so I have no idea how it has been renamed. I have hundreds of files on it that I have previously scraped into my library.

The obvious answer is to clean library and set the new drive as a new location to scrape once again but this is time consuming and if this is going to occur repeatedly there is no point.

So any suggestions on what I can do and how this could have occurred?

OSMC Vero 4K, Intel NUC Celeron 847, ODroid N2+, Raspberry Pi3 LibreELEC. Amazon Fire TV
Vizio  Atmos 7.1
manually editing the database you can search and replace old paths with new ones - advanced users only

it would be far more recommendable to find out how the network path name changed (and change it back), but, you havent stated how the drive is configured and if it changed on the server or client side
- if the share name changed on the server then you need to go into the server configuration
- if it changed in kodi then perhaps a look into the sources file
- possible ip changed on one of the network devices

you list 7 devices in your signature that could be running kodi but in your post you dont mention any platforms involved at all - there is no crystal ball available to anyone here
Apologies, yes I am on an Odroid N2+ running CoreElec - I tried the Kodi forum first as this doesn't feel like a  CoreEELC problem.

The problem seems to have arisen on my network, as I cannot access the same mapped network drive from a windows laptop either.  Sounds as if I need to look into 'server configuration' side of things.
OSMC Vero 4K, Intel NUC Celeron 847, ODroid N2+, Raspberry Pi3 LibreELEC. Amazon Fire TV
Vizio  Atmos 7.1
(2023-07-13, 12:50)smallclone Wrote: It appears to be a problem with naming, the drive was previously named:
Now, it seems to be named NETWORKDRIVE_      and I can't seem to change the name of it back.

What OS is operating as your drive server?
(2023-07-13, 21:41)Klojum Wrote:
(2023-07-13, 12:50)smallclone Wrote: It appears to be a problem with naming, the drive was previously named:
Now, it seems to be named NETWORKDRIVE_      and I can't seem to change the name of it back.

What OS is operating as your drive server?

I have it crudely shoved into a Vero 4K - OSMC.

I've just cleaned library and re-scraped all the files. Given this has happened just once in 2 or 3 years it's a workaround. But if it happens again then Ill have to look at a more stable mini pc route I think
OSMC Vero 4K, Intel NUC Celeron 847, ODroid N2+, Raspberry Pi3 LibreELEC. Amazon Fire TV
Vizio  Atmos 7.1

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Network drive no longer connecting0