Win Kodi 20.1 exits after loading
We used Kodi to watch a series episode yesterday. Today, we were going to watch the next one, and I noticed it wasn't running when I turned on the TV.

Odd. Anyway, I clicked the Kodi icon on the desktop. It got to the start screen where it was updating the library, and then it closed. It didn't say that it stopped responding or anything. It just quietly went away.

I checked to see if Windows wanted to update, but I didn't see anything. I restarted Windows 10 anyway.

After it came back up, I clicked to start Kodi. Again, it got to the main screen where it was updating the library. Then it just went away again, leaving me looking at a blank desktop.

I looked in the error log. I see where it was skipping lots of folders because there was no change, and then the log just stopped.

Could someone help me figure out what the log file has? Maybe Windows did a recent update that isn't compatible with... something?

Things we want from EVERY report:

1. Version of Kodi: kodi-20.1-Nexus-x64.exe. Sorry, but I can't get to the Kodi About screen right now
2. Windows Version: Windows 10 Pro, Version 22H2, Installed on ‎12/‎6/‎2020, OS build: 19045.3803, Experience: Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.19053.1000.0
3. CPU/Architecture: Intel® Core™ i5-6260U CPU @ 1.80GHz   1.80 GHz
4. RAM amount: 16.0 GB (15.9 GB usable)
5. Detailed Instructions to reproduce the Problem (see above)
6. Details of all devices relevant to the problem: This is the only PC running Kodi. The media is on an 8TB Western Digital MyBook USB drive.
7. FULL Debug Log:

Addition Information for Media Playback Problems (Video, Audio): I left this off because it is not a playback issue. If you need it, let me know.

FYI: These reports are hard to do from the sofa using a tiny wireless keyboard and the TV screen.
Unfortunately its not a debug enabled log.

As its a crash on start, to enable debug logging you'll need to do the following to force debug logging via the advancedsettings.xml file:
(2023-12-14, 03:21)Fuzzard Wrote: Unfortunately its not a debug enabled log.

As its a crash on start, to enable debug logging you'll need to do the following to force debug logging via the advancedsettings.xml file:

I went to add that advancedsettings.xml file, but it already exists with this data:
    <loglevel hide="true">1</loglevel>
Should I change it to Level 2?
Quote:Should I change it to Level 2?

No you're fine... Change this to "1" to hide the on-screen debug log text.

I didn't see much in the log (no errors), but I did note serrvice.autoexec (wiki) and wondered what code it's trying to run. Failure on start up can be quite a few things from hardware to software incongruities. The first thing I would do would be to rename your advancedsettings.xml re-launch to see if there's something in your advanced file that is tripping up. Next more drastic move would be to delete/rename guisettings.xml in your userdata folder which will reset most of your choices to default. (if at anytime you get a functioning interface, toggle off scan on start-up.) This could be a corrupt library that takes the system down but from the log provided it doesn't look like the issue.

Before we dive into extreme actions, Let's put aside your present set-up and try a fresh Portable mode (wiki) installation (the new Beta 2 Omega would be my choice) launch and ensure it's functionality, start your customizations one at a time with an eye for some issue, if you don't see an issue, you can either rebuild from this, or copy most of the relevant parts to your present set-up. (I always prefer a portable installation, it's just too easy to back it up).
I found an old post of mine from here:

(2021-05-14, 23:21)jp2code Wrote: I got it fixed for me, and here is what I did.

I browsed to %APPDATA%\Kodi\addons and moved all of those addon files to a temporary folder on my desktop (in case I messed something up).

When I launched Kodi, it had no more crash.

So, one of the addons is not compatible.

 I did the same trick: Moved all of the addons to a temporary folder on my desktop, and Kodi launched fine. It recreated some of the addons. Some I use often so I moved those back (like, the rest I left. I don't know what they were for anyway.

Problem solved.

But: Does Kodi write issues to the log file when an addon crashes? Are they wrapped in try/catch blocks whenever they are launched?
I love it when users solve their own issues! But yes, that's what the portable installation advice was all about. I don't really recommend the add-on remove en-mass it can get messy and with new Kodi on the horizon it makes sense to just move along and if I haven't made it clear 'portable installation' is my recommendation for everyone (a quick copy of the Kodi folder to another location becomes a secure back-up and trial install). Glad it all worked out.

Kodi writes to the log debug mode in line by line instructions, timed with notices, on a crash sometimes the software is like a bomb, and doesn't have routines to write to the log, but usually there's are hints of a routine in operation, errors and failures.. common are the calls to a foreign URL and then wait for a response that never arrives, leaving hung Kodi on exit; or calls to a 3rd party rouge software that disables a function. And heaven forbid 'software' from unknown sources planting key-loggers, back-doors or viruses.

The log is invaluable, in that it imparts the o/s version, Kodi iteration, some hardware facts (systems with gfx engine failure is common) and gives some clues in diagnosis. Because of the 'light' cpu use of this function, I always have debug enabled and never wished it gone.
I'll probably do a portable install in the future.

I've had installs that forget my folder structures. It isn't hard to get it all set up again, but it just takes time - particularly when you're trying to type with one of those compact wireless keyboards on your knees while sitting on the sofa and going back and forth with reading glasses. lol

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