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Jellyfin (and I assume other data sources) pulls IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes ratings.  When using one of the add-on methods to use Jellyfin as the backend for Kodi, it syncs nearly everything Jellyfin provides, except those ratings (as far as I can tell).  Some skins use additional add-ons, which require you to get an API key, to pull those ratings, so users are essentially downloading the ratings twice, and have to get an API key they shouldn't need since Jellyfin already handles that.  So, add support for storing those ratings natively, and allow syncing.  I assume this will likely also require the Jellyfin add-ons (and other similar services) to be modified as well, but those can't be done until the support is there from Kodi.

Update: After discovering more information, it seems that Jellyfin syncs the IMDB rating to the Kodi rating, and any additional ratings aren't visible to skins anyway, so there's not much point in this request unless other changes were made as well.

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