Playing Music through remote causes memory leak
I have a large music library (~1500 albums) that are stored on a NFS share.  My library is on a remote SQL server.  I have OSMC loaded on a Raspberry Pi 4 (1GB).  I access the playlist on iPhone using Kodi Music Remote (great little app) that accesses Kodi via it's built in web control.  When I am using the app to switch playlists, Kodi runs out of memory and crashes.  I upgraded to a Pi 4 (8GB) which helps a lot, but can still run out of memory.  So, I suspect a memory leak somewhere.  I loaded Kodi on the 1GB Pi using LibreELEC and can reproduce the problem.
Log uploaded at
For this latest crash, libreELEC did not crash, only kodi.bin.  In this test, I am using a local library instead of the SQL db, but the files are still stored on the nfs share. 
This install is libreELEC 11.0.5. Pi 4B - 1GB.  Connection is wired ethernet.

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Playing Music through remote causes memory leak0