Solved How to save scrapper settings?
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Hello, I have been involved in creating content on TMDB for several years, therefore, I very often need to update the illustrations in my databases on the Kodi interface, in order to check the quality of the illustrations created.

To force the updating of the illustrations, I got into the habit of modifying the type of scrapper, and saying no when it asks me to update, then putting back the correct TMDB Python scrapper, then accepting the request. updating. Unfortunately, with this manipulation, Kodi resets the scrapper settings each time. I am therefore obliged to reset the correct parameters, languages, notation, etc.

1. Is there another faster way to force the illustrations of the entire database to be updated?

2. Is there a way to ensure that scrapper settings are permanently saved?

Thank you so much !
(2024-02-08, 19:20)Bindou Wrote: To force the updating of the illustrations, I got into the habit of modifying the type of scrapper, and saying no when it asks me to update, then putting back the correct TMDB Python scrapper, then accepting the request. updating. Unfortunately, with this manipulation, Kodi resets the scrapper settings each time. I am therefore obliged to reset the correct parameters, languages, notation, etc.
Sorry, I am not understanding the steps you are taking.

If you are creating your own images, which you then upload to TMDB and then use the scraper to download them, then what you are doing is wrong.
The main reason it is wrong being that there is nothing to ensure that the artwork you upload will be the primary artwork that is downloaded.

If you are going to the effort of creating artwork, then uploading it to TMDB, then it is only a few seconds work to copy that artwork to the movie or tv show folder, and using it as local information.
See the image how to name local artwork...
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(2024-02-08, 19:20)Bindou Wrote: 2. Is there a way to ensure that scrapper settings are permanently saved?
Whatever you set from addon > settings will be the default for setting up sources.
I am doing remastering work with Topaz to increase the definition of the illustrations. My work focuses on the illustrations at the top of the list, and I arrange for the new ones to take the place of the old ones. And I also take care of missing illustrations, particularly in my language (Clear logo HD in particular), so when I update, it is indeed my illustrations that appear.

I refuse to manually drag my illustrations into my local database, because it adds a step. And the objective is to benefit the community.
Damn ! I thought I had already done it, but apparently it was reset on this side, perhaps following an update. Thank you very much, I had completely forgotten. I'll try.
I confirm, it's fixed, thank you.

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How to save scrapper settings?0