Win Kodi crashes while playing 4K HDR video
Kodi is instantly crashing on my Asus Vivobook Pro 15 laptop while playing a 4k HDR video file (50+ GB file size). The display (Samsung ATNA56YX03-0 SDC4161)
is HDR-capable. Any insights would be really helpful! Thanks in advance.

OS: Win 10 Home 23H2
Processor: AMD Ryzen 5 5600H with Radeon Graphics
Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Laptop GPU
Debug log
Crash dump
Edit: Not Windows 10, its Win 11 Home 23H2.
There's no sign of your Nvidia gfx card in the log. selected AMD Radeon™ Graphics adapter and likely shared memory, then -<CVideoPlayerVideo::OutputPicture - failed to configure renderer

I suspect this is one of those cases in which you need to re-install the Nvidia gfx drivers, after you have disabled the Radeon gfx in bios.
The crash happens in the driver. Did Kodi ever work fine on that computer? Rolling back to older drivers may help.
Software decoding with pixel shaders render method may work still. It could be interesting to know if one of dxva decoding + pixel shaders or software decoding + dxva render method work, but that won't bring a solution in the short term, it looks like broken drivers.
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Kodi crashes while playing 4K HDR video0