Android Dolby Vision playback issues on TCL TV with Kodi Omega RC2

On my TCL 50C645, I am having issues with Dolby Vision playback. When I play a Dolby Vision file, after about a minute or two, the picture freezes, but the audio continues to play. If I rewind or fast forward by 10 seconds (or more), playback resumes again. This issue does not occur when playing an HDR10 or non-HDR file. What could cause this? Here is my debug log:

The issue occured at pretty much exactly 2 minutes into the video playback. This is on a fresh install of Kodi 21 RC2. The only installed add-on is the Kodi Logfile Uploader. I am playing this file from USB, but the issue also occurred earlier when streaming a Dolby Vision file.
I've got the exact same problem with a new TCL 43 Qled I've exhausted all settings variables just getting the paused video but audio still running
I've also tried Mavens builds 21 & 22 definitely a TCL error

I've given up for now and using my formuler z11 pro max which runs perfectly albeit without DV support but most of my files are hybrid anyway the overall performance beats the TCL with ease

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Dolby Vision playback issues on TCL TV with Kodi Omega RC20