Android Music library scans/adds xtra artists
Hi there i hav v20.5 running on my shield and almost everything is perfect,but when i scan my muxic folder on my syno nas  kodi adds al kind of artists that aren't in my music folder but on or in the albums where its a cooperation with the artists in my music folders
I have my music folder setup as /DATA/muziek/xxx(artist) and then the albums from that artist
I dl all my music with lidarr running in a container.
After a scan of the library i get all those random artists added to the library in kodi but they do not show up on my nas.
How can i let kodi scan for just the artists that are in my music folder?
Thnx for your reply,did what you suggested only thing that is on atm is cutting albuma if there is more than 1 cd in it.
But still after cleaning library removing source and adding the source again right after first scan i get the xtra artists in my screen of kodi again which i don't need and don't want.
You need to disable that option in Kodi that @Hitcher pointed out under SETTINGS/MEDIA/MUSIC.

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Music library scans/adds xtra artists0