v21 Amber for Kodi v21 Omega
@DarrenHill If Amber isn't supported anymore, any suggestions of supported skins that would be the most similar? I loved Amber's customization level, such as detailed color scheme choices, and probably the most important, was the ability to create custom Home Screen links. That used to require Playlists, but can now just be linked to network folders, so maybe it isn't as big of a deal anymore, but I have home screen links to jump to Movies, Animated Movies, Tv Shows, Anime, etc. which have I have in their own unique network folders.
@crazyhands911 - @mikeSiLVO has kindly given the skin a new lease of life with the changes that were needed for Omega, so it is at least semi-supported. Maybe it won't get ongoing new features etc unless someone decides to step up to a full support role for it, but it is still perfectly functional.

I'm still routinely using it, so I don't have much to suggest for alternatives. Historically I've used Xonfluence and one or two of the other newer skins, but I always find myself coming back to Amber once it became functional again.
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I have had to finally update my Kodi and the skin I really liked was never updated so I have been looking for a new one. Amber has had all the options I wanted but have found it very slow. From the main menu clicking on TV Shows can take 5-10 seconds before it takes you to the TV Shows. Is this an Omega issue with this skin? Does anyone know why it is slow?

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Amber for Kodi v21 Omega0