v21 Nexus to Omega: Upgrade MyVideos database from 121 to 131 fails
I updated my Ubuntu install of Kodi from Nexus v20 to Omega v21.0.0. The upgrade of the videodatabase from v121 to v131 fails with the following error:
2024-04-08 15:21:28.740 T:2455013   error <general>: SQL: [MyVideos131] Undefined MySQL error: Code (1062)
                                                   Query: INSERT INTO videoversion SELECT idFile, idMovie, 'movie', '0', '40400' FROM movie

I have a rather large video library, but that should not matter I would say. Debug log can be found here:

Any ideas?
Code 1062 means duplicate entry. There must be a duplicate somewhere in your movie table (multiple records with same idFile), blocking the migration.
You can start a new db from scratch, but can also locate and remove the duplicate with a mysql/mariadb frontend.
After removing the duplicate from the v121 db, delete the v131db and start Kodi v21 again.
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(2024-04-08, 16:33)CrystalP Wrote: Code 1062 means duplicate entry. There must be a duplicate somewhere in your movie table (multiple records with same idFile), blocking the migration.
You can start a new db from scratch, but can also locate and remove the duplicate with a mysql/mariadb frontend.
After removing the duplicate from the v121 db, delete the v131db and start Kodi v21 again.

Thanks a lot, I managed to fix it by removing the (indeed) duplicate idFile lines in the movie table of the v121 database.
If someone else experiences this and has access to an SQL tool like HeidiSQL, I think if you run this query against the database and it returns results I think that might be a problem:

SELECT idFile, COUNT(*) AS "Count" FROM movie GROUP BY idFile HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ORDER BY idFile;

scott s.
Thanks for the tip - this solved the problem for me.  I had 3 sneaky duplicates in my database..
I just did an upgrade to build 21 on the AndroidTV platform and got through the boot screen then froze on next screen.

I have 6 boxes sharing a MariaDB hosted on a QNAP NAS

Music DB had tried to update and failed.  

Instead of looking for duplicates as mentioned above I just went in and deleted the MyMusic 83 DB, as well as the previously working Mymusic 82 DB, as I could rebuild it easily.

Tried again and the upgrade was successful.

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Nexus to Omega: Upgrade MyVideos database from 121 to 131 fails0