v21 Can't connect to ftpes
Hi, I have problem connecting to the ftp on my Iliadbox (sort of Freebox for italian market) which has an HDD attached.
I can connect to it locally (upnp) and with ftpes through Filezilla, but when I try to connect it as a source on Kodi it recognize it for a few seconds (I can navigate the folder inside) and then it became suddenly unavailable.

The source I added is ftp://USERNAME:PASSWORD@iliadboxdomain:PORT/ |auth=TLS/
Tried adding auth=SSL/TLS and verifypeer=false but nothing change.

This is my log: https://paste.kodi.tv/adowiqozij.kodi

Any suggestion?

this is not a debug log, please enable debug and then collect the log https://kodi.wiki/view/Log_file
Sorry, here it is https://paste.kodi.tv/gogubovugo.kodi

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Can't connect to ftpes0