Solved Clicking on Movies Doesn't Open Movie List
In case anyone runs into the same problem, this is how I fixed my issue.

There was a problem with the "movie" table within the Kodi "MyVideos121.db" SQLite database.  It was somehow corrupted.

I used the sqlite3.exe command to dump then create a 'new' database.


> sqlite3 MyVideos121.db (need to provide full path to this file)
.mode insert
.output dump.sql

Then open the 'dump.sql' file and remove the 'BEGIN TRANSACTION' at the beginning of the file and remove the "ROLLBACK TRANSACTION" at the end of the file (I'm not sure if this step is absolutely necessary, but a lot of the posts recommended it).

Then use sqlite3.exe again to run the SQL statements to create a 'clean' copy of your database.

sqlite3 MyVideos121.db -init dump.sql

This took a long time to reconstruct, but once it was done, I was able to use the SQLite DB Browser and query the 'movie' table.  I then copied this over my Kodi box and everything was working again.
Thread marked solved.

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