Pi5 w/libreelec11.0/kodiv20 -External WD HDD not mounting automatically
Ive got a new Pi5 with SD card with libreelec v11.0 / Kodi v20 Installed.
Unit boots and i'm unable to see external drive mounted in Media Sources.
This HDD was previously in a Pi3 and was working alright.
Upgrading to allow h265 etc now. The Pi3 didnt play them which I;m aware of.
SSH to the pi and seeing that the HDD is detected from the OS but its not mounting.
Logs of are here: https://paste.kodi.tv/umukufadip
# blkid
# dmesg

I have swapped it back to the wintel box and ran chkdsk and repaired errors.

Sorry dudes, just run out of ideas here.
fstab is emtpy which I've read is normal.

Almost deleted this post but thought I'd add my own resolution here.
I removed the HDD from the Pi and mounted it on my ubuntu machine here.
Then Powered off the HDD in ubuntu and then plugged back into the Pi.
Rebooted the Pi and just sat there cursing the machine whilst it wouldnt mount.
In the depths of my cursing, I saw a pop up in Kodi that it mounted Elements. 
/media/Elements it mounted under
So happy days.
Maybe it worked or maybe I just needed to be more patient in the first instance but I did have it connected for at least 15 minutes whilst trying to search the root volume for the mount path.
Happy troubleshooting everyone

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Pi5 w/libreelec11.0/kodiv20 -External WD HDD not mounting automatically0