Solved Enable ws-discovery slider not toggling on when pressed

I'm using
Raspberry pi5
Running kodi 20.3
On libreELEC 11.0.6

Above is a video of the issue I'm facing. I have dealt with this issue in the past and every time this has happened, I've had to completely reinstall libreelec onto the SD card. I want to know why this is happening and what I can do to fix it that isn't nuking the entire thing. If I can't turn ws-discovery service on, I can't access my smb share abs therefore cannot watch anything stored on my NAS. Has anyone seen this before? Even after reinstalling, I've had it happen where it will still refuse to turn the toggle on for ws-discovery once. What can be done besides reinstalling everything?
Never seen that, but my WS-Discovery turns itself off from time to time, it may stay on for 1,2 or 3 reboots but then its turned off, never happens on CE.
Tried using a keyboard to see if it's a remote problem?
I have used a mouse, but it still happened.

I figured out why though, and it's pretty dumb of me. It turns out that the ethernet cable was slightly unplugged which is what causes this issue. For future reference.
Thread marked solved.

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Enable ws-discovery slider not toggling on when pressed0