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Po úspešnej inštalácii a nastavení aplikácie KODI na vašom Android TV sa aplikácia TCL40S5200 už nedá spustiť vôbec. Obrazovka stmavne a po dlhej chvíli sa znova zobrazí ponuka aplikácie na hlavnej obrazovke. Ako to vyriešiť? Mal niekto rovnaký problém?
@zazou - The forum language is English only please. Using services like Google Translate is fine if required.

(2024-06-12, 13:59)zazou Wrote: After successfully installing and setting up the KODI app on your Android TV, the TCL40S5200 app won't launch at all. The screen will go dark and after a long time the application menu will appear again on the main screen. How to solve it? Has anyone had the same problem?
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