Defining callback function for context menu items

I'm trying to build my first add-on which involves scraping a website and getting video information. I'd like to be able to define a callback function for when the user clicks the "Information" item in the default context menu to bring up the information dialog.

An example scenario is this: in my add-on I want to include a search function which returns a directory of list items. This functionality mimics the same functionality of the website for which I am building the add-on. On the website, the search results include a collection of video items, however by default this only includes basic information like title, media type, year, etc. A separate API call is required per search result to get additional information, such as the plot.

I want to minimise API calls and only make such a call if the user goes to the information dialog. Does such functionality exist? Is there a similar way to achieve my goal? I've done a lot of searching and unfortunately I can't find any solution, just a lot of people being disappointed that they can't adjust the context menu items. However, I'm sure this kind of behaviour is possible - I'm almost certain I've seen this kind of behaviour in practice before but I'm still a novice Kodi user so can't find any examples of it now.

To be clear, I am aware of the addContextMenuItems function, I don't think this will be able to assist me as it doesn't change the behaviour of the built-in context menu items from what I can tell.

I've done a bit more digging - maybe I want to assign an action to an Action ID?

Here there is an action ID
"Show the information about the currently highlighted item, or currently playing item."

Or do I add my API code to this onAction function? With the following ID?

Just fumbling my way around at the moment. If anyone has any clues let me know! An example of an add-on that addresses this need would be awesome 😎
I think the best way to do this is to use the RunPlugin builtin:

my_listitem.addContextMenuItems([('Context Menu Title','RunPlugin(plugin://')])

And then the route in your plugin will open a custom dialog/info window.
That's only if I want to add a new context menu item though, correct?

I am trying to change the built-in behaviour of loading the information dialog, rather than creating a new option to select.
Ah sorry, i missed that part. As far as i know, this isn't possible. More info on that here:

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Defining callback function for context menu items0