Solved Files \ List View in v21 Omega Missing Details
I recently upgraded to KODI v21 Omega and installed Aeon:NOX SiLVO 10.0.3

Now when I view my Video files list, in the List view (view_50_list), it does not show poster art, details, and video details on the list or info views.

Here are some screen shots of what I mean...

KODI v20 Nexus with Aeon:NOX SiLVO 9.1.3:
This shows the movie poster on the right, year + genres underneath, video length + watched status, and video details below.
Then you click once and you see the info screen with more details and movie summary:

Now, in KODI v21 with Aeon:NOX SiLVO 10.0.3:
I just see a file folder, no poster and no details.
Click once and it goes inside the folder to see the video file:
Then click again to get to the info screen:
Here i get no movie synopsis, no director/writer info, no ratings, etc...

Is this a skin setting or a kodi setting? I'd like to get it back to the super useful view i had in v20. Often I like to view my movies this way instead of through my main movie library so I can navigate to a specific folder where I have movies categorized in folders like on my Windows PC.

Any help is appreciated!
it looks to me as if the movies are not scraped at all...
is this movie (rise of the...) still in the library and can be started from there?
Yes, all movies are scraped.

To be clear, all info is displayed when I navigate into my library through the "Movies" node. The problem occurs when I am viewing the Files list. For example, when you go to Settings -> Media -> Library -> Videos... -> and then click on the Movies source

Here are some screenshots of the Library (InfoWall view), showing that the movie is fully scraped:

oh my god.... I double checked my Movies source and the content was set to "None"!

I changed it back to "Movies" and let it re-scan. It is working as expected now, issue resolved. So sorry for wasting everyone's time... If it's possible to delete this thread, please do. Otherwise, how do I mark it as resolved?

I feel so dumb.
Thread marked solved.
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Files \ List View in v21 Omega Missing Details0