Solved HOW to see watched movies categorie in Library
Hello, I use the KODI version : 21

Into the main screen, Kodi proposes me, under the MOVIES TAB, several categories :
- Recently added movies
- Unwatched movies
- Random movies
and Genres with icons.

When I watch completly a movie hosted in 'recently added movies', this movie disapears of this category.
Unfortunately I am not able to retrieve this movie in this screen. The only way to see this movie again is the fact to browse my video source folder.

So within this main screen, is it possible to add a categorie : 'Watched movie' ?
I didn't find where I can set this parameter...

Many thanks for your help.
(2024-07-03, 23:15)Patrick500FR Wrote: The only way to see this movie again is the fact to browse my video source folder.
Why don't you browse the library listing instead?
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Hello Karellen,
The library listing shows me movies 1 by 1. I have to scroll down my list.
It is less fun than to see several pictures in the same screen like this kind of categories : random...
But I think a 'watched movies' is missing.
So I don't know if the developpers though about this kind of display... and if 'yes' where we can activate this category Smile
(2024-07-03, 23:30)Patrick500FR Wrote: The library listing shows me movies 1 by 1. I have to scroll down my list.
And how is that different to scrolling through your Video Source?
Change the view in the left sideblade menu to something else. Maybe Poster Wall.

Sure, you can say a "Watched Movies" node is missing, but that would be intentional. A list of Watched Movies is not really a feature. You would just scroll through your library.
If you have a keyboard, you can hit the first letter of the title to jump to that location. Press "S" to get to the titles starting with S. Press "st" quickly to get to Star Wars (or whatever starts with st in your library)
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Movies > Side menu > Toggle 'All videos/Unwatched/Watched'

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Hi Hitcher,
it is exactly what I am searching.
Many thanks.
Thread marked solved.

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