Live TV: Add thumbnail images to saved search widget
I wanted to thank-you for the saved search and widget feature you added to the Live TV section on Estuary, which I'm now making good use of.  Smile One thing I thought that might also be nice addition to this feature is if a user had the option to assign a thumbnail image to each individual search they create (fanart or landscape), just like what can be done currently with the skin favourites?
What do you think?
Yes, this would be nice a nice improvement. I've put it on my todo list, but no promises on any delivery date. :-)
Excellent, great stuff!  Smile
Take your time, certainly no rush for me. This slow coach is only just completing all the Nexus changes I wanted to make, so still have a fair amount of catching up to do!  Blush
@Dumyat fyi:
Oh, that's marvellous....Thank-you so much!
I will look forward to giving the feature a wee test drive in the coming days!  Smile

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Live TV: Add thumbnail images to saved search widget0