Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Feature Request - Option for a denser EPG
Hi @nonJon,

I'd like to request for an option to fit more time and more channels on the EPG page.

I have added support for this for myself in this commit that you are welcome to cherry-pick or take inspiration from.

This implementation has a "Dense EPG" option that can be turned on which will show 5 hours, and up to 19 channels.

It also includes an red highlight around programs that have a timer set. It's semi-transparent so it does change colour slightly depending on the item's background color. I see in the main Omega thread you're working on a triangle approach that may be better.

Clashes with the design ethos of quartz as an easy to read skin. Hard no. Sorry mate.
No worries. It doesn't hurt to ask. I understand it's not for everyone, which is why I made it optional. Thanks for taking a look.

I just thought I'd share what I'd done with the community in case someone else found it useful. The code will always be there in github if anyone wants to use it.

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Feature Request - Option for a denser EPG0