Req Support for SRM (Savegame format for retro games)
I use Kodi to play retrogames from gba or snes within Kodi. I want to sync the savegame to different devices:
  • Play on every Browser with selfhosted RomM --> Synchronisation via Syncthing
  • Play on Android device with RetroArch --> Synchronisation via FolderSync while the Synchronisation is triggered via Tasker
    RomM (EmulatorJS) and RetroArch will save the savegame in the srm-format, but Kodi saves in the sav-format.
This makes it not possible to have a synced save game over all these devices.
Therefore it would be good to add the possibilty to also save in the srm-format

benefit: same savegame format for all emulators (RomM (EmulatorJS), RetroArch) and therefore continuous gaming on all devices.
+1 though I think that feature request for Kodi's RetroPlayer historically been posted to the RetroPlayer Development section?


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Support for SRM (Savegame format for retro games)0