Connect Kodi To MythTV Backend Over Internet
Hi All,

I have a MythTV back-end & Kodi front-ends running successfully at home. Kodi installations are on Linux, Android and multiple Raspberry Pis and they all have access to the MythTV back-end server and they all are working flawlessly from within Kodi.

I have recently moved my business into an offsite factory and have setup another Kodi installation on a Raspberry Pi4 and I have successfully connected to my home server via the Kodi SFTP add-on and I have access to all my movies and it is working well.

I am now trying to connect the remote Raspberry Pi4 to my MythTV server at home and I am having no success.

I have opened up ports 6543 & 6544 in my home router and I have within the Kodi MythTV Add On Configuration form entered my home IP address as the server address and I am having no luck when I attempt to view TV. All I get is a message within Kodi stating "PVR Manager is starting up" and it goes no further.

Is what I am trying to do possible, and if so, what am I missing.


Yes, it's possible. Check out this thread.

Though personally, I would set up a VPN between your Pi's, as that would be the safest way. It's never a good idea to open up ports on your internal network, especially for applications that I suspect haven't been thoroughly hardened for Internet access, as this is not the normal use for MythTV.
Thanks bac522,

I have in my attempts already found that post. I have done everything as detailed in it. I have opened ports 3306, 6543 & 6544 but no success.

When attempting to connect to my mysal server using "mysql -u mythtv -h '' -p" I get this response:

ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system error: 2

I have also run the 2 command line commands in the post directly on my server, being the mysql & curl commands, and each correctly returned the name of my server and only the 1 entry was returned.

I have VPN capabilities ready to implement once I can get this working.

Thanks for your assistance. It is very much appreciated but still no joy.

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