Freezing / stuttering playback - but plays perfect with controls showing
So noticed this a lot with Kodi 21 not just on one device either. But when experiencing it on an android box decided to switch to a mini pc with a bit more power.

It’s very bizarre, so very stable connection (Ethernet connected) with top end speeds so nothing there.
Tried both with VPN & without to eliminate any throttling issues from ISP

So imagine my surprise when the stuttering issue is resolved by keeping the control menu on screen (progress / pause / play, etc) the moment it auto hides, the stuttering returns.

Making it clear it’s not system power, connection speed or anything else.

Can recreate this on the android device too when I play something that stutters.

Also noticed that subtitles have an effect on performance too. But with the above both of these were happening with subs disabled.

Any ideas? Seen lots of complaints about Kodi 21 performance with many suggesting dropping back to 18 or 19, but none seem to have described exact same symptoms I’ve had.

Quote:Seen lots of complaints about Kodi 21 performance with many suggesting dropping back to 18 or 19, but none seem to have described exact same symptoms I’ve had.
Really? Kodi 21, even 22,  work perfectly fine on all my platforms. (5)
Anyway, you are not going to get much support without a debug log (wiki).
To receive meaningful assistance you will need to provide a full debug log.

The instructions are here... debug log (wiki)

If you are using the Basic Method, then ensure the following is applied...
1.Enable debugging in Settings>System Settings>Logging,
2.Restart Kodi
3.Replicate the problem.
4.Upload the log to Kodi Paste Site manually or use the Kodi Logfile Uploader. (wiki) With either method post the link to the log back here.

If you are using the Advanced Method ensure you have correctly created and applied the advancedsettings.xml file (wiki)

In both instances, you should see the word DEBUG throughout the log.

Note: Full logs only. No partial or redacted logs
Do NOT post your logs directly into the forum. Use the Kodi Paste Site. Post the link to your pasted log in the forum
So herein lies the problem.

To rule out as many scenarios, chose sources that were 1080, 720 and even as low as SD.

Problem persisted. So as requested turned on the logging with the intention to note times of when it did the stuttering / losing sync (which was frequent), but just like when the video controls are on screen, with the debugging in the top corner running… guess what… zero stuttering or sync issues.

Proving to be very awkward.

Memory is running fine, never uses more than around 1.3GB of the 4GB available, no spikes or anything concerning.
CPU usage never goes above 20%, generally sitting at 10-15% even when running large 1080 videos
FPS around 24 again remains consistent with no spikes.

Can post the log but problem is, there are no issues when the logging is running, so not sure it will help?

Any suggestions welcome.
(2024-09-01, 23:48)Jonesp37 Wrote: post the log
Smacks of a gfx engine issue... you keeping more than one display? Background tasks snagging cycles? Use OSD with Keyboard controls (wiki) shortcuts to watch for fetch, flow and freeze.
Debugging mode can be turned on through the advanced settings in a way that doesn't impact the rendering (no text overlay), which would likely preserve the stuttering.
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Do not e-mail Kodi Team members directly asking for support. Read/follow the forum rules (wiki).
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Hi, did you resolve this? I have exactly the same problem as you described.
(2024-11-14, 13:56)itamater Wrote: I have exactly the same problem as you described.
See post #5 and you might want to run Processor Explorer looking for 'other' programs sapping cycles.
Need to see a debug log (see post #3).
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Do not e-mail Kodi Team members directly asking for support. Read/follow the forum rules (wiki).
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I am seeing exactly the same behaviour.   If my problem is same as the OP,  then I did try and replicate the problem with debug logging enabled.    I also noticed with debug logging and the visual debugging information displayed that the problem never happened.   A brief timeline of what I did is as follows: 

Started Kodi and started playing the stream
- Stuttering playback until 7:15AM and moved mouse/brought up player controls
- At 7:15AM, kept the player controls up with zero lag/buffering
- At 7:16AM stopped playback and shutdown Kodi
As the debug log seemed fairly understandable, changing the Render method from Auto Detect to Software resolved the problem.   Disabling the Allow hardware acceleration DXVA2 and keeping Auto Detect enabled also worked.
I had same issue too, and more >

Have solved it with setting the screen mode to real fullscreen.
Have the issue with windowed full screen, if I make alt+enter to return to windows, it minimise the windows (bugged, borderless), and stuttering stop, but the issue remain after a time.

Nothing special on logs or task manager.
Quote:As the debug log seemed fairly understandable, changing the Render method from Auto Detect to Software resolved the problem.   Disabling the Allow hardware acceleration DXVA2 and keeping Auto Detect enabled also worked.
Ha, haven't tried that, but In fact you have disabled all hardwares optimisation ?
junkking, that log shows hardware decoding errors and reinitializations about every 10 seconds (up until the moment the OSD is brought up). Is that what you call the stuttering?
Problem could be in the source stream, or possibly in the way the stream is downloaded. It's weird how displaying the GUI changes things.
If you can provide steps to play the same stream then some possibilities could be eliminated.
Downloading the stream and then playing the local file would also help clarify.
Also it's a pretty old computer and drivers, which maybe are not as capable for hardware decoding, but also for the flip discard mode. You could try setting Kodi in Windows 8 compatibility mode, which reverts to flip sequential.
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Do not e-mail Kodi Team members directly asking for support. Read/follow the forum rules (wiki).
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Freezing / stuttering playback - but plays perfect with controls showing0