Solved Is There an HDHomeRun PVR client for Nexus?
I'm upgrading from Matrix to Nexus.  It is the most recent version of Kodi available in the package manager.

I'm working through some of the issues I'm encountering.  One is that there isn't an HDHomeRun PVR client available.  I'm trying to figure out why.  I'm trying to figure out why.  First thing I'd like to know is if there is one available.  I'm trying to look through the official Kodi repository but that's another problem I'm having now.  I'm going to start my upgrade over again and remove/rename my .kodi directory and see what happens.  I'll also drop the new Videos database on my DB server.  This is the only device using that database at this point.

I also found this one:

It works, but some of the functionality is missing.  No EPG data in the guide or channels and no Logos.  These are all available and working on my Matrix daily driver.

I'm doing the upgrade on another single board device, an Orange Pi 5, that I have available.  I made a backup of my main device and working with a copy of the backup.  I can restart and try any suggestions.

Any advice is appreciated.
There are a few hdhomerun addons that do the basics, but tvheadend works best with these for me. It detects the hdhomeruns by default and allows for epg, recordings and timeshift
Perhaps start by looking for pvr.hdhomerun for your distro  and if you can't find it you could always build it from

The HDHR legacy and newer models work well with NextPVR backend too.   The free OTA guide data duration and quality will depend on the country, but Silicondust does provide 24hr xmltv data and there are some good solutions in North America free and paid.
Thanks for the replies.

I have built the addon myself as specified here:

Was a lot easier than I thought it would be.  I did get a couple of errors but when I switched to the Nexus branch for both git clones, the errors did not occur.

This can be considered closed/resolved but I don't see a way to do this.

One thing I noticed about the difference between the Matrix addon I added from the repository and this one in Nexus that I built is that the icons were much more colourful in Matrix than in this Nexus built version.  Oh well.

Thank you.
Thread marked solved.
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Is There an HDHomeRun PVR client for Nexus?0