Kodi refuses to scape files - mariadb
Hello everyone

I recently built a nas and transferred all my media over to it. I did a library export (multiple files) from my old database, edited my advancedsettings, mediasources, passwords and sources to reflect the new nas IP address

Imported the media from the new location and everything is running smooth.

Now I have new episodes I am attempting to scrape.

On my windows PC, kodi scrapes them perfectly fine.  I have an onn 4k box with everything set up the exact same as the PC verison of kodi. Same addons, same userdata etc.  For some odd reason the 4k box absolutely refuses to scrape any new content.  It begins to load acting like it is scraping, then stops the loading wheel after 30 seconds without the new episodes being scraped.

Debug log:
hastebin - qapibubumo
qapibubumo (paste)

Sorry link did not work
(2025-01-19, 22:05)snooter Wrote: For some odd reason the 4k box absolutely refuses to scrape any new content.  It begins to load acting like it is scraping, then stops the loading wheel after 30 seconds without the new episodes being scraped.

Is this the show you are trying to scrape?
VideoInfoScanner: Skipping dir 'smb:// TV/Headhunted to Another World/' due to no change

I would need to see the tvshow.nfo file. Can you post it to Kodi Paste Site
Also a screenshot of your episodes so I can check the naming. I know you are an old hand at it, but just for me to rule it out.
You are also using anidb scraper. I had no idea that was still working. Maybe it is the problem? I don't know.
But, as you are using MySQL, isn't it enough to scrape it on the working machine, and your non working one will automatically see the new episodes? I can't be more help with MySQL as I don't use it.
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(2025-01-20, 00:07)Karellen Wrote:
(2025-01-19, 22:05)snooter Wrote: For some odd reason the 4k box absolutely refuses to scrape any new content.  It begins to load acting like it is scraping, then stops the loading wheel after 30 seconds without the new episodes being scraped.

Is this the show you are trying to scrape?
VideoInfoScanner: Skipping dir 'smb:// TV/Headhunted to Another World/' due to no change

I would need to see the tvshow.nfo file. Can you post it to Kodi Paste Site
Also a screenshot of your episodes so I can check the naming. I know you are an old hand at it, but just for me to rule it out.
You are also using anidb scraper. I had no idea that was still working. Maybe it is the problem? I don't know.
But, as you are using MySQL, isn't it enough to scrape it on the working machine, and your non working one will automatically see the new episodes? I can't be more help with MySQL as I don't use it.

The videos are named like this:
[Judas] Headhunted to Another World - S01E01.mkv

The anidb scraper still works even though it hasn't been updated in god knows how long.  All it needs is an updated .xml of newly released shows in the settings.

And yes, that will be my final option to just scrape it on the laptop.  I use the TV more than the laptop, so I was just hoping for a solution lol.
(2025-01-20, 00:26)snooter Wrote: tvshow.nfo
The nfo file looks well formed. The only problem (and most important) is the following...
<url gzip="yes" cache="18768.xml">http://api.anidb.net:9001/httpapi?request=anime&amp;client=xbmcscrap&amp;clientver=1&amp;protover=1&amp;aid=18768</url>
When I paste that URL into my browser, I get an error. So I am pretty sure that is the problem. At a complete guess, maybe there was a change/upgrade to their api, or maybe the scraper adds additional info to the api call? I just don't know this scraper at all, unfortunately.
Though why it works on one pc and not the other, I have no idea. I would need to see a Debug Log from the working pc to discover the difference.

Also there are a couple of Banned Add-ons (wiki) that need to be removed for further assistance.
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(2025-01-20, 06:22)Karellen Wrote: The only problem (and most important) is the following...
<url gzip="yes" cache="18768.xml">http://api.anidb.net:9001/httpapi?request=anime&client=xbmcscrap&clientver=1&protover=1&aid=18768</url>
When I paste that URL into my browser, I get an error.
The URL work in the browser if the occurences of "&amp;" are simply replaced by the ampersand character "&", giving :

But, unfortunately, I never used this scraper. So, I can't help more.
Well, updated to 21.2 and cleared my library and imported again, everything seems to work now..
(2025-01-22, 18:47)snooter Wrote: everything seems to work now..
Good news.

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Kodi refuses to scape files - mariadb0