Question: Creating Video Library
Before I get into this, let me say I did look through the WIKI and I do have XBMC Atlantis B1 installed on my PC, and still did not see where/how to do this.

For MP3 files, setting up the Music Library is easy, but it does involve that you have your MP3 files tagged correctly. You can do a SCAN ALL and it scans the track names, artists, etc, into the library and album cover art is displayed as well. This was one of the original things that made XBMC great.

What I am trying to figure out how to do now, is something similar with movies. I have about 100 DVD movies ripped to file, and while XBMX Atlantis B1 plays them OK....I don't know how to get them into the Video Library like some of the screenshots show. You know, with the DVD art, writeup of the movie, etc. I couldn't find a SCAN ALL equivalent for Video files, and for that matter I assume it needs some sort of manual look up somewhere since you can't "tag" DVD files.

How is this done?

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OK I saw that but I guess I didnt think it would work as I had wanted. Perhaps it will?

My plan is to have DVDs ripped into ISO files (both movies and TV shows). Do I just follow the naming conventions and this will work? The examples in the WIKI all had .avi files...but I wont be converting these to AVI. I'll either:

1) Just leave them as ripped ISOs
2) Break them into FILES from the DVD (.VOB, etc)

As long as the naming conventions will work with the scrapers as explaned, but for ISO files, I think I'm good.

Does anyone know if that will work?
recoil Wrote:My plan is to have DVDs ripped into ISO files (both movies and TV shows). Do I just follow the naming conventions and this will work?
Yes it works with ISO files as well.
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Question: Creating Video Library0