Library mode problem some tv show missing
Some TV show its missing in library mode i try update rescan ...reinstall not working in file mode its all ok thnx for any help
try beating the couch twice, remove that dust in the corner and whatever you do make sure you do not provide ANY information so ppl can help you
Sorry I did a search and came across this thread...

My couch has a problem, I tried to use it the other day & it failed to work as I expected, do you know what might be wrong with it. How do I know it is the running the latest version? I think it running 'cushion sponge v1.2' is that going to be my problem? It also has 6 castors, but I suspect at least one is a little dodgy. Is there a correct way to sit on this lounge? I'm only new at this so please let me down gently if I've purchased an inferior product not suitable to do this XBMC thingy - what does it do again? Huh

P.S. Yes I tried the FAQ, The Search & the Online wiki plus I drilled down thru multiple menus at Furniture1 without result! Oo

Always read the XBMC online-manual, FAQ and search the forum before posting.
Do not e-mail XBMC-Team members directly asking for support. Read/follow the forum rules.
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all sarcasm aside... I bet your problem is with the name of the episodes... 2 options there if that's the case:
1. rename your files to fit the ones recognized by default by XBMC (see the link mentioned by sho for more info on this)
2. add your naming conventions to advancedsettings.xml... (see again the comments on tvshows in the link mentioned by sho) You need to understand how regular expressions work (a lot of people get confused with them) so, maybe the first option is easier for you...

Hope I helped.
Always read the XBMC Online Manual,Frequently Asked Questions and search the forum before posting.
For troubleshooting and bug reporting use -> Log file.

thnx for somethin the guys have dust i head ....Smile
I dont know but if i go to file mode then refresh and back to library mode all its ok and new episode its there why its not working by scan on start...that is the problem

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Library mode problem some tv show missing0