H.264 Playback Question
First ... I love this product! So those whom are reading this, please donate and support it if you can.

Now for the question ..

I have several h.264 encoded mp4 movies. These movies range from having 5.1 sound to just mp3 audio .. they are from a bluray source originally so they bitrate on these files is fairly high, though I'm not on a machine at present where I can give detailed info of the bitrate, sorry.

My question is these files play perfect with Nero SHowtime, so I am assuming my hardware is capable of playing these files .. however .. when I play them within XBMC the audio runs smoothly but the video gets left in the dust trying to keep up .. its a standard joggy video problem .

I kinda thought this could be due to Nero using a different decoder than XBMC .. ergo .. I didn't know if it was possible to change the decoder used in XBMC to reflect the same one Nero uses .. if that could be a possible fix.
For the umpteenth time...XMBC is all software decoding right now.
Nero Showtime probably uses your GPU to offload some of the H.264 work.

You'll need a faster processor if you want to play the same file in XBMC without stuttering.
No need to be rude pal. Being that it's onboard video .. didn't see that as an option or cause.
Maybe I should have just said to do a search instead. Anywho, your question was answered.

Onboard video from any recent machine should offload some of the H264 processing.

You'll need a AMD 6000+ / Core2Duo E4500 or better to get most/all HD content to play smoothly in XBMC.

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