black screen on boot nvidia 7300gt
i get a black screen on boot after xbmc logo using video card inno3d nvidia 7300 gt. tried live cd and hd install both have same problems .

like you, i have a 7300GT card (pci express) and i have a black screen (prompt login).
I tried to install on flash disk and on hard disk (fix and usb). : no success !! :mad:
(non disk (fat32, ntfs) and no key detected ) !!?

but i can use xbmc with non install ! so, i also tested the install with virtualbox on xp. it crashed when it's formatted (memory problem) but disk and key detected !

I 'll test with the released 14/11 and i 'll give the news.
work with the new XBMC Live 8.10
Anybody planning on pastebining a log? I've got money on it being filled with "GL error: out of memory"
hi, I have got a geforce 7300se/7200gs which gives me black screen after logo 'loading' screen. works with intel option from disk (slow). installed to hard drive and still doesnt work.
System is a Pentium D 2.8. 1gb ram, seagate 160 gb pata hard drive if this helps.

What do you mean black screen? Do you mean a login prompt or absolutely nothing? Can you ssh in?

If you can console or ssh in, it means the kernel is running but X is not configured properly. Check X's configurations and log for error messages.

If you can't do either, then you got bigger problems.
Hi Tim,

To be honest, I am a bit of a noob with linux (i'm a VB programmer btw), the screen (a 26 inch lcd tv vi vga) says its out of range. Thing is, I installed LinuxMCE, and it did the same whilst booting up, but then came back when it was ready to log in, as if it was showing a splash screen that my tv couldnt display. I cant try to connect from another pc, as i dont have one to connect with.
I went out and got a 4gb usb stick (6 quid in pc world) and tried to install to that, that wouldnt even boot, so i installed Xubuntu 8.10 on it, and am just installing xbmc on it.

It runs fine on windows xp, but I want a quiet media pc for the front room.



Boot into XP and write down the LCD resolution and refresh rate. Then boot into XBMC. At the black screen, press ctrl-alt-F1 to get out of X and into console. log in with

user: xbmc
password: xbmc

Look at your /etc/X11/xorg.conf using

more /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Scroll down to the Section "Monitor" and see if your monitor refresh rate is in the range listed in VertRefresh. Then scroll further down to Section "Screen", SubSection "Display", and see if your resolution is listed in Modes, and that there aren't any resolutions listed that your LCD doesn't support. If you need to make any changes, backup your xorg.conf using

sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.old

Then edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf using vi

sudo vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf

After you save the changes, restart X server using

Hi Tim,

I have installed on a hard drive this time, I am pretty sure its just a display settings thing, when I make changes to xorg.conf (as you describe) and then startx, it tells me that the server is running and tells me to remove a lock file if it isnt running.

How can I restart X without having to reboot each time ?



You can check to see if x is already running by typing

ps aux | grep `cat /tmp/.X0-lock`

If you see something like

root 5702 2.6 2.4 33396 24944 tty7 SLs+ 00:28 0:57 /usr/bin/X :0 -br -auth /tmp/serverauth.1234567890

That means x is already running. To start another x type

sudo startx -- :1

If that doesn't work, you can always reboot by typing

sudo reboot
Hi Tim,

I have found out that it is all running as I put a dvd in the drive and it span up and I could hear the sound out of the speakers.

I think Its nearly there, thanks for your help.

Well, I got it working by adding a Modes "1024x768"
in the Display subsection of the Screen part of xorg.conf.
I also limited the refresh rate to 60hz.

Thanks to Tim for all of his help.

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black screen on boot nvidia 7300gt0