does XBMC run fine with iMEDIAN software/remote controller
well I guess not so much the software (don't use it) (using Vista MCE, but thats not too great)
but will the remote easily work with XBMC?
I haven't downloaded/installed XBMC yet. I am wondering if I will have any problems getting my ANTEC HTPC Remote to work with it?

And if I use XBMC, should I still use the "iMEDIAN" software? or should I just use Vista's Plug n Play drivers it auto installs? (just to avoid any issues?)

I am just looking for advice to make life easier setting things up, or to know if it is going to be hard or impossible to setup.
thanks for the help
I'm using IMON Manager (MediaLab?) 7.4 with a Thermaltake remote and whatnot that came with my Thermaltake DH101 VF7001BNS (link below). They have a keymap file for XBMC that you can download on their site, which imports into the IMON Manager. I had to tweak it a bit, but it works great! I run the IMON Manager, not the IR Suite or anything...
...and that's why god gave us whiskey.
[old rig removed] ATV2 4.3 Eden 11b2
I have the Antec Fusion v2 430 Black case which comes with an iMON reciever. I run iMON Manager (iMedian) just fine.
I have programmed my Harmony 525 remote to act as a MCE Remote.

I also run Vista.
Just did a search for the Thermaltake DH101 and came across this thread.

Does anyone else have this and can they confirm if the new MediaLab LCD works with XBMC.
Also do the front buttons work?


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does XBMC run fine with iMEDIAN software/remote controller0