Ignoring folder/file doing sort
Disclaimer: I'm not totally sure if this is the right forum for this or not.

I currently use PM3 on XBMC for Xbox. I was wondering if there is any way to ignore folder/file demarcations during a sort by name or such. I have all my movies in a single folder. Some of these movies have multiple files which stack thus they have their own subfolder within the Movies. I was wondering if it's possible when doing sort to mix these in with the other files so that I don't have two sets of sorted movies.

Any suggestions or correct forum guidance would be very helpful.
Change to Sort By: File.
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jmarshall Wrote:Change to Sort By: File.

Wow.. Time to hang my head in shame.. Could have sworn I tried that sort but must have missed it.
Just wondering if it's possible to mix sort by File and sort by Name. I like how sort by Name ignores "The" at the start of movies. However, I like I sort by file ignores folder/file differences. Any thoughts?

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Ignoring folder/file doing sort0