2 questions/suggestions about "Mark as Watched"
Here's the deal... Sometimes i need to clean my Library and reconstruct everything. That's not a problem with all my NFO and TBN files, but the trick part is how to mark everything that already had been watched (a lot of buttons on the remote control to perform a single "mark as watched", then a refresh loses the selected file, so i need to find the next watched movie over again)

So, i have two questions:

1. Its possible to use an remote control button, like i dont know, "4" to mark the selected file as watched? Or even, use "4" to select some files, and them mark all the selected movies/episodes as watched?

2. It would be cool if was possible to store/read the "Watched" information on the NFO file, then when we rescan everything, the watched movies would be already marked as watched. This is possible?

1. yes. use togglewatched
2. could be added to the new export library stuff (+ import code). certainly doable
thanks man, appreciated
Don't mean to resuscitate this, but whats the best way to figure out if this has been added (item #2). Seems to be a huge thing for larger libraries.
If you export the db and have a <playcount> field for each entry, you've got it.

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2 questions/suggestions about "Mark as Watched"0