Is there a manual for Horizonz skin?
I really want to have the look that some of you guys have but I really cant figure this thing out. Here is the look I am going for... and are a couple of questions I have.

BTW.. I am using an xbox with ISO dvds.


How do I need to have my folders setup?
Right now this is my setup:

Where do you add the movie info?

What setting do I need enabled?

I have tried changing the background for the "movies" menu but now its just a black screen.

I would really appreciate a dummies guide to getting this view. I absolutly love this skin and will be donating to the cause when I have this fully functional.

Thanks for your help guys. I really appreciate it.
Hi polo6979,

In short, the answers you want are:

How do I need to have my folders setup?
Right now this is my setup:

You can either have your folders like this, or in the form:
/path/to/Movies/MovieName/Filename.tbn etc...
Personally, my movies are arranged like yours - you don't need to change any default settings for scanning your movies to the library that way...

Where do you add the movie info?

In your case, you would add it at:
/F/Movies/MovieName-fanart.jpg - the background image to use
/F/Movies/MovieName.tbn - the poster (dvd cover in the sample image you posted)
/F/Movies/MovieName.nfo - file containing the movie description details - see the online manual (wiki) for details on the format to use

What setting do I need enabled?

Nothing special - you need to scan your movies into the library first if you haven't done that though. You don't actually need the above mentioned fanart, thumbnail and info files though - if they're available from / etc (can't remember which is the default off the top of my head) then xbmc will automatically grab them and store copies locally when you scan your movies into the library. However, saving them locally to the same location as your movies gives you more control over them (e.g. if you want to share library data between more than one installation of xbmc)

Any movies which don't have fanart available should default to the image or folder you set as the background for the movies section in Horizonz settings.

If you are getting a black background, your xbox may be running out of memory - try resizing the backgrounds down to approximately the same resolution as your tv. E.g. I have copies of the fanart backgrounds at 720 x 405 saved in my movies folder for the xbox (connected to an SD 16:9 tv), but full 1920x1080 backgrounds saved for the PC).

Exactly the info I was looking for Adam.... Thanks man I appreciate you posting that for me!

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