No sound except navigation
Well, I cannot hear anything except the navigation sounds and when playing mp3s using the DVDPlayer, but not the PAPlayer.
No sound when playing movies, either.
I managed to isolate a piece of log when opening an mp3:

05:35:11 T:3068188512 M: 79585280 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(Q:\system\players\paplayer\
05:35:11 T:3068188512 M: 79585280 DEBUG: Loading: /usr/share/xbmc/system/players/paplayer/
05:35:11 T:3068188512 M: 79585280 INFO: MP3Codec: Loaded decoder at 0x9dd9e288
05:35:11 T:3068188512 M: 79585280 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(Q:\system\players\paplayer\
05:35:11 T:3068188512 M: 79585280 DEBUG: Loading: /usr/share/xbmc/system/players/paplayer/
05:35:11 T:3068188512 M: 79446016 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(Q:\system\
05:35:11 T:3068188512 M: 79446016 DEBUG: Loading: /usr/share/xbmc/system/
05:35:11 T:3068188512 M: 63987712 DEBUG: CFileCache::Open - opening </home/powauser/Desktop/Tubthumping.mp3> using cache
05:35:11 T:2615102352 M: 63987712 DEBUG: Running thread 2615102352
05:35:11 T:2615102352 M: 63987712 DEBUG: thread start, auto delete: 0
05:35:11 T:2615102352 M: 63987712 INFO: CFileCache:Tonguerocess - Hit eof.
05:35:11 T:2615102352 M: 63967232 DEBUG: Process, request seek on source to 0
05:35:11 T:3068188512 M: 63967232 INFO: PAP Player: Playing /home/powauser/Desktop/Tubthumping.mp3
05:35:11 T:3068188512 M: 63967232 ERROR: CreateStream - pcm_open, alsa error: No such file or directory
05:35:11 T:2615102352 M: 64385024 DEBUG: staticThread, deleting thread graphic context
05:35:11 T:2615102352 M: 64385024 DEBUG: Thread 2615102352 terminating
05:35:11 T:3068188512 M: 80191488 ERROR: PAPlayer::Unable to create audio stream
05:35:11 T:2615102352 M: 80191488 DEBUG: Running thread 2615102352
05:35:11 T:2615102352 M: 80191488 DEBUG: thread start, auto delete: 0
05:35:11 T:2615102352 M: 80191488 DEBUG: PAPlayer: Thread started
05:35:11 T:2615102352 M: 80191488 DEBUG: Playback has started
05:35:11 T:2615102352 M: 80191488 INFO: PAPlayer: End of playback reached
05:35:11 T:2615102352 M: 80191488 DEBUG: Playback has finished
05:35:11 T:2615102352 M: 80191488 DEBUG: PAPlayer: Thread end
05:35:11 T:2615102352 M: 80191488 DEBUG: staticThread, deleting thread graphic context
05:35:11 T:2615102352 M: 80191488 DEBUG: Thread 2615102352 terminating
05:35:11 T:3068188512 M: 79634432 DEBUG: Load defaultAlbumCover.png: 4.2ms (bundled)
05:35:12 T:3068188512 M: 79843328 DEBUG: CGUIInfoManager::SetCurrentSong(/home/powauser/Desktop/Tubthumping.mp3)
05:35:12 T:3068188512 M: 79843328 DEBUG: Loading additional tag info for file /home/powauser/Desktop/Tubthumping.mp3

That's very weird: no such file or directory ?? How come?

And here are the lines when trying to play the movie:
05:44:57 T:2510285712 M: 7745536 DEBUG: CDVDPlayerAudio - CDVDMsg::GENERAL_DELAY(512000.000000)
05:44:57 T:2581506960 M: 7745536 DEBUG: CDVDPlayerVideo - CDVDMsg::GENERAL_SYNCHRONIZE
05:44:57 T:2581506960 M: 7745536 DEBUG: CDVDPlayerVideo - CDVDMsg::GENERAL_RESYNC(10000000.000000, 1)
05:44:57 T:3068188512 M: 8753152 DEBUG: ------------------- GUI_MSG_WINDOW_DEINIT
05:44:57 T:3068188512 M: 8753152 DEBUG:
05:44:57 T:3068188512 M: 8753152 DEBUG: -------------------
05:44:57 T:2510285712 M: 8781824 DEBUG: CDVDPlayerAudio - CDVDMsg::GENERAL_RESYNC(10512000.000000, 0)
05:44:57 T:2510285712 M: 8781824 NOTICE: Creating audio device with codec id: 86017, channels: 2, sample rate: 48000, no pass-through
05:44:57 T:2510285712 M: 8015872 DEBUG: CALSADirectSound::CALSADirectSound - opening alsa device
05:44:57 T:2510285712 M: 8015872 DEBUG: CALSADirectSound - using alsa device spdout
05:44:57 T:2510285712 M: 8015872 ERROR: CALSADirectSound - pcm_open_lconf, alsa error: No such file or directory

Again, no such file or directory.
Please, could someone help? I must admit that alsa is one of the things that I didn't touch almost at all on linux.

I am using a digital optical output, I tried to set the audio settings with "default" as well as IEC958.

Thank you again, I spent an entire we making the new Imon remote control to work, and now I have no sound. Not that great. Please note that I have navigation sounds as well as mp3 sounds when using the DVDPlayer.

Thanks again!
Sorry, I completely messed up - it was too late. Or too early in the morning. In fact the problem was the classical - ERROR: CreateStream - pcm_open, alsa error: Device or resource busy - with the classical solution.
we can close this thread.
Hi, hate to ask a silly question but what was the classical solution?

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No sound except navigation0