refresh rate problems

I'm trying to use the option to automatically adjust the refresh rate based on the movie fps between my 60Hz,50Hz and 24Hz capable display. Unfortunately, I'm having very weird problems with it. Basically the movie seems to be rendered in a smaller box when the refresh rate is changed. This is an example:


It seems as if the refresh changes ok but the video is rendered within a block :confused2: Is this a known issue? I haven't been able to find anything about this problem?

The refresh change (using randr) seems to work ok as I can change it outside of xbmc with no problems... any ideas?

I've got an integrated nvidia 9300 in a Asus motherboard P5N7A-VM and 180.25 nvidia drivers.
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tslayer Wrote:Read the link in my signature to know what information we need when you ask for help.


Hi tslayer,

I know about how to create a bug report, I first wanted to check if it was a "known problem" as I happen to use a fairly common hardware (p5n7a-vm motherboard with integrated 9300 nvidia). If it is not the case I'll try to provide as much information as needed to help track this bug! As soon as I get home I'll try to add a debug log to this thread.

I've never seen that.
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I've got a log with the problem. The fact is, if I start xbmc with resolution 1920x1080@50Hz then all videos at 25fps play well, however, all 24fps videos (that change the resolution to 1920x1080@24Hz) look like the screenshot above (embedded in a black box). Also all OSD menus are embedded in the box. Also, starting with resolution 1920x1080@24Hz then all 24fps videos look right but 25fps videos look like boxed. This also happens with the 30fps -> 60Hz combination :confused2:

Changing resolution outside xbmc works (the desktop is never boxed). I'm changing resolutions using the same xbmc-randr command so it looks as if it works and changes resolutions fine but only outside a running xbmc :-?

Here you can find the log:
This might have something to do with the issue that this user is experiencing:

I'm not sure though. It's similar but his involves a change in resolution and not refresh rate.

Actually they might not have anything to do with each other since the other user is in Windows. Totally different.
I experienced this at some point and fixed it using XBMC's built-in overscan correction (Video Calibration). Just drag the arrows to the edge of the actual screen. However, I no longer experience it. I'm not sure what I did to make it go away. Make sure your zoom is set to "Normal", and for me, the display device is set to "Just Scan".
pilluli Wrote:Hi,

I've got a log with the problem. The fact is, if I start xbmc with resolution 1920x1080@50Hz then all videos at 25fps play well, however, all 24fps videos (that change the resolution to 1920x1080@24Hz) look like the screenshot above (embedded in a black box). Also all OSD menus are embedded in the box. Also, starting with resolution 1920x1080@24Hz then all 24fps videos look right but 25fps videos look like boxed. This also happens with the 30fps -> 60Hz combination :confused2:

Changing resolution outside xbmc works (the desktop is never boxed). I'm changing resolutions using the same xbmc-randr command so it looks as if it works and changes resolutions fine but only outside a running xbmc :-?

Here you can find the log:

I had this same problem just now. I fixed it by setting the Resolution in XBMC to each of the resolutions it will switch to, e.g. 1920x1080@60Hz, 1920x1080@50Hz, 1920x1080@30Hz, etc. and doing a Video Calibration for each. The Video Calibration for each of the different resolutions was miles off (in fact the same as the box it was playing in). Now they are all set to pretty much 0,0 and it's working fine, just took a while to setup.

Not sure why the Video Calibration was so horribly off, but at least it's all working. Not sure why anyone would need a different calibration just for a different frequencyHuh
dteirney Wrote:I had this same problem just now. I fixed it by setting the Resolution in XBMC to each of the resolutions it will switch to, e.g. 1920x1080@60Hz, 1920x1080@50Hz, 1920x1080@30Hz, etc. and doing a Video Calibration for each. The Video Calibration for each of the different resolutions was miles off (in fact the same as the box it was playing in). Now they are all set to pretty much 0,0 and it's working fine, just took a while to setup.

Not sure why the Video Calibration was so horribly off, but at least it's all working. Not sure why anyone would need a different calibration just for a different frequencyHuh

Many thanks dteirney!!!! I'm going to try this as soon as I get home. How did you do the video calibration for each independent frequency? Did you switch resolutions from within "settings/appearance"? I seem to remember that I could not select resolutions with different frequencies from there.. In any case thanks and I'll check tonight and I'll report here!

I'll answer myself. Yes you can change different video resolutions (same resolution, different refresh) from within xbmc/settings/appearance. And as dteirney suggested video calibration was way off for different refresh rates. I've set all calibrations for all refresh rates and all seems ok now. Many thanks dteirney. Smile

I'm going to fill a bug report anyway, video calibration should depen only on resolution, not refresh rate. Regards,

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