ATI - Hardware accelerated Video soon possible through ADL?!
Big Grin 
Today i've read that ATI Released the AMD Display Library (ADL) SDK.
Quote:Access display driver functionality for ATI Radeon™ and ATI FirePro™ graphics cards. Support for Windows® XP, Windows® Vista, Linux®.

Is this what i think it is - or is it already known?
HURRAH! detailed information about your display and video card clock speed!
Afaik it is just a programming interface (API) for the ATI proprietary driver. It can be used to set customizable driver options per programming, but only for those settings that the driver allows to change.
So it would not help to accelerate videos, since the driver itself does not support this yet (afaik). If that is what you meant.
The sensor and fan speed settings are already in the works by reverse engineering of this API though.
IMHO ATI is a big joke under linux - period.
Well, errr ookay nevermind.
Quote:IMHO ATI is a big joke under linux - period.
You are right and finally i got rid with ATI and problems with driver, tearing, performance... aso.
(I don't wanna wait for a wonder)
So i will buy an board with integrated Nvidia soon... hope this will do a lot better. Rolleyes
mcfan Wrote:So i will buy an board with integrated Nvidia soon... hope this will do a lot better. Rolleyes

Nothing is really glitch free, but at least nvidia works for the most important parts. i have an ASUS M3N78-EM and it is running great with support for everything built in - even audio via HDMI. I do have some problems with VDPAU acceleration but that will be fixed soon i'm sure.
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ATI - Hardware accelerated Video soon possible through ADL?!0