Upgraded to svn, library gone
Ubuntu Linux, XBMC revision 19434 built today.

My Movies and TV library show nothing. In file mode I can browse the filesystem and watch movies as normal. I tried removing one of the Movies sources and re-adding it. All the content was added back to the library as evidenced by the scanner dialog box. Still, nothing at all appears when in library mode.

Also, XBMC no longer writes log files in /var/tmp/. If there is a new location for log files, I can't find it. I have also tried with the default PM3.HD skin in case it was a skin change thing. Still nothing.

Any ideas what could be going wrong? Thanks.
With no knowledge of what version you updated from (must have been reasonably old) all I can do is guess. I presume you've tested that it's actually reading from the folder you expect it is (i.e. your userdata directory is being read from the location you think it is).

The log is in the userdata folder now (~/.xbmc)
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Ah, thank you. I was upgrading from the VDPAU branch pulled and built on 3/14/09. I'm sorry I don't hve the revision number.

Having found the log file, I think I see the problem:

08:22:24 T:3046913856 M:543453184   DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (videodb://1/2/)
08:22:24 T:3046913856 M:543453184   DEBUG:   ParentPath = [videodb://1/]
08:22:24 T:3046913856 M:543453184  NOTICE: Attempting to update the database MyVideos34.db from version 24 to 25
08:22:24 T:3046913856 M:543453184   ERROR: SQLite: SQL error or missing database
                             Query: alter table settings add Sharpness float
08:22:24 T:3046913856 M:543453184   ERROR: Error attempting to update the database version!
08:22:24 T:3046913856 M:543453184   ERROR: Can't update the database MyVideos34.db from version 24 to 25
08:22:24 T:3046913856 M:543453184   ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting videodb://1/2/
08:22:24 T:3046913856 M:543453184   ERROR: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(videodb://1/2/) failed

I can provide more of the logfile if necessary. How can I fix this? Thanks!!
you used a WIP branch on your db. database version mismatches. you're effed unless you can do sql yourself (see CVideoDatabase::UpdateOldVersion, compare your version to those and figure out which you have)

Well since I've been playing with the skin-based media flagging in Stark and Serenity, I have pretty detailed local .nfo files. So all I'd have to do is delete my MyVideos34.db file and let XBMC build a new one with the correct structure?
The SVN and VDPAU branches are different versions, as you have found out. If all your files are NFO'd then just delete your .xbmc directory and start xbmc once then copy your sources.xml, advancedsettings.xml files back to your userdata directory in .xbmc and then rebuild your library and you will be good to go. I am pretty sure I tried deleting the video34 once and it still did not work correctly.

You need to start XBMC once to re-create the .xbmc folders again. Make sure and back up any files from your .xbmc directory before you delete it.

I back up

mediastream directory from the .xbmc/skins dir.

Then I just copy them back via ftp after I have run xbmc once.


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Upgraded to svn, library gone0