Any plans for reformating the Scraper XML format any time soon?
yes yes and yes. exactly like i have already explained. the nine buffers available for regexp captures is a property of your regexp parser, 9 is the minimal it must support.

i can hardly be more precise here than the code here, CHTMLUtil::RemoveTags
Sorry to bother you one more time, but i'm just about done with my regExp engine, and there's actually one more thing i need to know, i wouldn't ask but i'm not so good at c++ at all and the regexp engine looks all greek to me, (other things like the httputil, and xml utils were easy as pie to read through.. )

do you make use of nested parenthesis in regular expressions in the scrapers?
they can so you must support it yah
Hi Nicezia,

are you planing to release the editor in near future?

Thanks in advance

Schenk2302 Wrote:Hi Nicezia,

are you planing to release the editor in near future?

Thanks in advance


The Editor will be an extension of my ScraperXML library, so my first goal is to support all scraper types (And A few i've come up withon my own) in that library before actually moving on to making the editor... but now that i have the (nearly all of the) base methods coded into the library its just a matter of accounting for the different functions of other type scrapers and development of the library is moving pretty fast. So I will say, (and don't hold me to this) in a months time i should be able to actually get to developing the scraper editor.

Even though its not really neccessary, i may even just turn the whole scraper editor project into an xml editor so one can test the scrapers as you're making changes without having to use an extra program for the process.

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Any plans for reformating the Scraper XML format any time soon?0