Setup xbmc live babylon rc1 intel
How to setup/install xbmc live babylon rc1 with intel drivers
vtinoc Wrote:How to setup/install xbmc live babylon rc1 with intel drivers

I posted this in another thread but I was having the same problem:

grassmunk Wrote:Thanks for the link but it didn't really help at all. What I was able to do on my own was this:

and am now enjoying XBMC on my TV (again).

The problem is that x-windows is working and XBMC is running fine but there's a problem with the Intel Graphics driver in Ubuntu Jaunty (which this is based on). You can try to get the live CD to work following the guide above but you're best bet is to install to the HD and then installing the updated drivers etc.

I eventually just installed Xubuntu on my system, upgraded the drivers and install XBMC on that.
thanks grassmunk but i need it to Say

installing Intel restricted drivers

not installing ATI/AMD restricted drivers
During setup

But im try to install xbuntu and setup my Intel drivers from there.
Thank u
Has this been resolved in the final release?

I guess I should test it tonight.
grassmunk Wrote:Has this been resolved in the final release?

I guess I should test it tonight.

Feedback would be appreciated.
joe_user Wrote:Feedback would be appreciated.

I've been really busy with work but it looks like this hasn't been fixed:
I'm running into this too. I tried the instructions regarding Jaunty/Intel drivers, updated kernel modules, etc but XBMC still is blank. Hitting the arrows on the keyboard produces the click between the menus so I know XBMC is running, just no display.

My LCD does show the screen modes changing but never shows up. Darn Jaunty...

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Setup xbmc live babylon rc1 intel0