XUDF & XISO to solve big movie problem
so udf can't read beyond 1gb
but if i make an xiso of lets say 3 movies (1.4 gib each) ?
will it read it?

of course it won't be read under windowze but i'm curious...

yes it works!!!! but be aware of "add iso9660 info" option in xiso 1.1.5. it is very unstable, in some kind of circumstance (file name, file extension) it fails to create correct iso file system, the result is that xbmp (look xbmp not xbmc) hangs up as soon as you insert the dvd!!!! trust me i have 6 dvd tha i have to rewrite because this bug, but... i don't know how burn them (!!!Wink, because bridged iso/udf doesn't work in xbmc, while works in xbmp, but it is less optimized than only iso dvd and... so on!!! bye!

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XUDF & XISO to solve big movie problem0