AC3 Failing via Optical SPDIF output (IEC958)
I've just installed XBMC 9.04 to run on Ubunutu 9.04.
Most everything is running well however I am am having trouble playing AC-3 audio in XBMC through the optical SPDIF output of my new
Diamond Extreme Sound 7.1/24 bit Sound Card.
PCM audio seems to work in XBMC just fine to include the applications sound effects. However any time I attempt to play media with AC-3 audio I get the error:

Failed to initialize audio device
Check your audiosettings

I am able to play AC-3 audio through same port using Totem Movie Player. So I'm fairly certain the problem resides in XBMC.

I'm using default/iec958 settings.

Any thoughts?
Did you enable all the outputs in Alsa mixer? I think there are two or three that need to be enabled/un-muted...
Is the S/PDIF output connected to a TV or to a Receiver ?

If it's a Receiver and it's capable of AC-3/DTS passtrough you should
enable 'Dolby Capable' and 'DTS capable' receiver in XBMC.

If it's a TV or non-passtrough capable Receiver those options should be disabled.
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Thanks for the prompt response Jacko2K and ronie.

I am passing through to the optical SPDIF port on a 12+ year old Pioneer THX Dolby Digital receiver. I believe it might be a first generation product for the consumer market. I would not be enabling DTS in XBMC as the receiver does not support it. However, "Dolby capable" was already enabled. Sorry I should have included that information in my problem description.

The IEC958 Output switch has been enabled and checked in my Ubuntu volume control. I am assuming that audio is passing through it in XBMC as XBMC sounds and PCM audio are playing through the receiver. The optical cable is the only connection between the PC and the stereo so I'm assuming that portion is working correctly. It is exclusively AC3 audio which generates the:

"Failed to initialize audio device
Check your audiosettings" pop-up

One interesting thing of note is that normally when playing Dolby Digital audio through my receiver using my classic XBOX running XBMC I see LEDs light up on the receiver's display for the channels that are in use. Even when successfully playing AC-3 audio in Totem Movie Player those LEDs are not lighting up. So I suppose it could still be an Ubuntu issue. Any other ideas?
Turn on debug logging and see if it displays what audio device is being used when it plays the file that is causing the message to appear. We can get a little further with that information.
Absolutely Maxim,
I'll respond with the results tonight (Pacific)
I enabled debugging and sorted through the output.

Big surprise. PulseAudio was in the mix messing things up.

I have disabled PulseAudio and now XBMC audio is working like a charm.
All my channel LEDs are lighting up on my receiver as well.

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

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AC3 Failing via Optical SPDIF output (IEC958)0