"Sleep on Lan" -- Is there such a python script?

The script that I use most is my "wake on lan" (WOL) python script. I use it to wake my two servers when I want to use my XBMC.

By doing this, I am saving lots of energy, not running the servers continuously.

So... with that in mind, is there any python script that will allow me to do the exact opposite and put the servers to sleep remotely? A "sleep on lan" script.

I know that WOL is a function of the motherboard/nic card.

To force a server to sleep, I may have to load a process like PsShutdown -- info at http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysin...97541.aspx

Has anyone already built a script for the XBOX that would make their remote servers sleep?


timdog82001 had an MC360 mod all set up for this.
Thread here Download here

Suprisingly the download still works.
The script probably won't work anymore due to xbmc changes, but it's a start.
try this , its called remote xbmc tools.

Ah... OK.

I found that the XBMC tools homepage is http://rebelintellect.dyndns.org/RebelIn...THome.html

They state that development of tools is EOL, but that is not surprising, given the lifecycle age of the XBOX platform.

Xlink Kai VII (which I have no experience with) is at http://www.teamxlink.co.uk/

Looks like it says that it works with Vista... So, I'm going to give it a try. I'll post results.

I'm working on a SleepOnLan script. It has basic functionality. Feel free to try it out. Let me know of any issues you run in to. SOLscript files
Pretzel Wrote:I'm working on a SleepOnLan script. It has basic functionality. Feel free to try it out. Let me know of any issues you run in to. SOLscript files

Rapidshare appears to be unwilling to allow a download. Stare

Pretzel - I will send you a private message with my email address. I hope that you will send me your file.

zebraitis Wrote:Rapidshare appears to be unwilling to allow a download. Stare

Nevermind... finally got it.
Pretzel Wrote:I'm working on a SleepOnLan script. It has basic functionality. Feel free to try it out. Let me know of any issues you run in to. SOLscript files


I like Pretzel's solution so far as it is a total of three files (two scripts and a read-me). I am a huge fan of keeping it simple. Nod

Being relatively new to python scripts, I understand where to put them on my xbmc, and (often enough) to edit them to do what I would like to do.

I was unaware that I could use python scripts on my Vista box / server as well.

Where and how would I load SOLserver.py on my Vista box? Does this go into startup? Is it good by itself or is there some sort of python-helper that needs to be loaded?

I look forward to your response.


ps... If we were to add desided functions, I would like to...

1) send multiple servers to sleep, and
2) have this run on every XBMC shutdown.

That way I know that the two servers that I have have gone into sleep mode when I am not using them.

(... and since I wake both servers separately now, I would like to know that the sleep command would not inadvertantly wake a sleeping computer... but logically I would think it would not. Let me know, just to be sure.)

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"Sleep on Lan" -- Is there such a python script?0