Lirc not working with XBMC

I am trying to get my iMon Soundgraph remote working with XBMC. I am running Ubuntu 9.04 with XBMC installed from the Ubuntu PPAs. LIRC is setup and working correctly (I can see button presses with irw). My LIRC version is the latest compiled from the cvs trunk.
My lircd.conf file looks like:
begin remote

  name  DH101
  bits           64
  eps            30
  aeps          100

  one             0     0
  zero            0     0
  gap          95960
  toggle_bit_mask 0x400000000000

      begin codes
          KEY_0                    0x0200002700000000
          KEY_1                    0x0200001E00000000
          KEY_2                    0x0200001F00000000
          KEY_3                    0x0200002000000000
          KEY_4                    0x0200002100000000
          KEY_5                    0x0200002200000000
          KEY_6                    0x0200002300000000
          KEY_7                    0x0200002400000000
          KEY_8                    0x0200002500000000
          KEY_9                    0x0200002600000000
          KEY_BOOKMARKS            0x288515B700000201
          KEY_PREVIOUS             0x2B9115B700000201
          KEY_CHANNELDOWN          0x288795B700000201
          KEY_CHANNELUP            0x289395B700000201
          KEY_EJECTCD              0x299395B700000201
          KEY_EXIT                 0x288195B700000201
          KEY_FASTFORWARD          0x2B8115B700000201
          KEY_NEXT                 0x298195B700000201
          KEY_GREEN                0x299195B700000201
          KEY_BLUE                 0x2BA115B700000201
          KEY_HOMEPAGE             0x2AB195B700000201
          KEY_MUTE                 0x2B9595B700000201
          KEY_PLAY                 0x2A8115B700000201
          KEY_POWER                0x289115B700000201
          KEY_RECORD               0x298115B700000201
          KEY_REWIND               0x2A8195B700000201
          KEY_RED                  0x2B8515B700000201
          KEY_STOP                 0x2B9715B700000201
          KEY_SUBTITLE             0x298595B700000201
          KEY_VOLUMEUP             0x28A395B700000201
          KEY_VOLUMEDOWN           0x28A595B700000201
          KEY_YELLOW               0x28A515B700000201
          KEY_ZOOM                 0x29A595B700000201
          KEY_NUMERIC_STAR         0x0220002500000000
          KEY_NUMERIC_POUND        0x0220002000000000
          KEY_SCREEN               0x2AA395B700000201
          KEY_AUDIO                0x2B8595B700000201
          KEY_TIME                 0x2B8395B700000201
          KEY_DVD                  0x29A395B700000201
          KEY_ENTER                0x0200002800000000
          KEY_ESC                  0x0200002900000000
          KEY_BACKSPACE            0x0200002A00000000
          KEY_SELECT               0x0200002C00000000
          KEY_UP                   0x0100800000000000
          KEY_DOWN                 0x01003F0000000000
          KEY_RIGHT                0x0100007F00000000
          KEY_LEFT                 0x0100008000000000
          KEY_OPTION               0x29B715B700000201
          KEY_PAUSE                0x2A9115B700000201
          KEY_EJECTCLOSECD         0x29B195B700000201
          KEY_MENU                 0x2BA395B700000201
          KEY_SWITCHVIDEOMODE      0x2AB715B700000201

          KEY_ENTER                0x00000000160002ee
          KEY_LEFT                 0x00000000140002ee
          KEY_RIGHT                0x00000000150002ee
          KEY_UP                   0x00000000120002ee
          KEY_DOWN                 0x00000000130002ee
          KEY_ESC                  0x00000000170002ee
          KEY_EXIT                 0x000000002b0002ee
          KEY_MENU                 0x000000002d0002ee
          KEY_HOMEPAGE             0x000000000f0002ee
          KEY_VOLUMEUP             0x00010000000002ee
          KEY_VOLUMEDOWN           0x01000000000002ee
      end codes

end remote

My Lircmap.xml is present in ~/.xbmc/userdata/ and looks like:
        <remote device="DH101">

My Keymap.xml file is present in ~/.xbmc/userdata/ and looks like:

XBMC doesn't respond to any button presses. I enabled debug output, but found no errors in the log. What am I missing?

Symlink keymap.xml and lircmap.xml to ~/.xbmc/userdata/system
for some reason, i also didn't get it to work until i did that.
Maybe the symlinks are not needed, but i did it that way to cover all eventualities
openSUSE 11.2 | SVN XBMC
I'm... dreaming... of a quiet... HTPC
Thanks for the quick response. I tried symlinking lircmap.xml and keymap.xml to both ~/.xbmc/userdata/system and ~/.xbmc/system, and still no go. I know the remote works because right now I have irxevent setup to pass keyboard commands to xbmc. It works for now, but there seems to be a lag in between actually pressing the key on the remote and the event happening in xbmc (most likely due to the fact that irxevent has to decode the ir signals and then pass an xwindows event along to xbmc). I would really like to get my remote working directly with xbmc and not have to use irxevent at all, but I'm not sure what else I can try.

Thanks again for your help.

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Lirc not working with XBMC0