[WINDOWS] Metadata / Poster Art / Fan art issue
okay, i've looked a bunch of threads and through the help/wiki's and faqs but havnt solved my problem

I have my movies in seperate folders each. In each folder there is the movie file, a folder.jpg, a fanart.jpg and a mymovies.xml

This set up works great with mediabrowser for WMC but i prefer to use XBMC.

problem is, my poster art only shows up in video browsing and not library mode, and none of the movie info is pulled from the xml file? the xml files were generated by metabrowser

is there an easy way to make this all work? o.O
xistor, let me know if you found a solution. i'm in the same boat. i'll continue to search the threads/wiki.
To my knowledge, xbmc does not support metadata stored in xml format.

You might check here:


for a program to convert to nfo.

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[WINDOWS] Metadata / Poster Art / Fan art issue0