Adding trailers

I've searched the forum a while about adding trailers and found a lot about it.
It works good for me now when adding the trailers in the same folder as the movie and naming them like moviename-trailer.mp4.

Ember Media Manger found about 25% of all my movies and now I'm manually searching YouTube for the trailer, using a YouTube-to-mp4-converter and then placing the file in my movie folder.

Takes a while but it works. But then I was browsing Apple Movie Trailers and found out that their quality was "a little" better but I couldn't get XBMC to stream the trailer from Apple to XBMC.

So my question is:
Is there a way to stream trailers from Apple Movie Trailers (or similar) to XBMC, without having to save files on my HardDrive?
just a little bump, just in case you or someone else has a solution...

Im searching like mad to get the same result as you, however I don't mind if i have to save them to my hdd, or would even prefer a batch method of saving all the trailers to the hdd...

anyone Huh
You can buy Quicktime pro and download a keygen. Quicktime Pro will let you save the trailers were you want to.
dash4g Wrote:however I don't mind if i have to save them to my hdd,

I have not found a good batch method of getting HQ trailers. I use Ember Media Manager for my SD collections, and manually grab trailers from Daves Trailer Page for my HD collection.

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Adding trailers0