XBMC Freezes on resolution change
XBMC 9.04 on fresh Jaunty install.
XBMC installed from the Jaunty PPA.
Dell IOptiplex SX270 with on-board Intel graphics chipset (82865G Integrated Graphics Controller).
Using the PM3.HD skin.

When i run XBMC, it starts windowed. If I go to settings and change the resolution to 1024x768 @ 60Hz (Full Screen) the resolution correctly changes, but I am never presented the "Do you want to keep this resolution?" Dialog, and after so many seconds it reverts back to original resolution, but the screen is frozen. From the log it looks like XBMC is still running and recognizing keypresses, but my XBMC screen is frozen showing 100% CPU (never changing, values are frozen also).

Full debug log here from startup to force quit.
Still having the problem. I know it's not a monitor issue because I've tried two monitors over VGA and even my HDTV via HDMI. Same thing every time. XBMC is running--because I can push right, right, enter, left, enter (to go to the power menu and choose "exit") and it properly exits. But I get no display, and apparently no errors. Any help? AnyoneHuh I'd rather not go to Windows, especially since the XBMC developers basically state that the Windows version is not as stable as the Linux version?
Might be an issue with graphic drivers/graphic card. If possible, try another graphic card just to see if it helps.

You could also try running another OpenGL application in fullscreen (glxgears?) and see if that works.

EDIT: About Windows being more unstable: I have been running XBMC on both Linux and Windows, and I've experienced no difference in stability. Where did you read that?
Ok, first question I guess I should have been asked would have been "What GPU does XBMC say you're using" because it said "Software Rasterizer" instead of the Intel GPU. Looking this up from the Ubuntu wiki on troubleshooting why intel GPUs use the software rasterizer (here) showed that I probably was facing Ubuntu bug #317457. Adding the PPA mentioned in the comments and upgrading xserver-xorg-video-intel to the newer version got me back up and running. Now XBMC shows the Mesa DRI Intel 865 GEM for the GPU and idle is around 9-11% CPU time. Thanks for the help Junk, I probably wouldn't have seen this if I hadn't started goofing off with glxinfo and glxgears though.

I couldn't find that part about Linux being more stable than Windows. I thought it used to be a sticky in the Windows section of the forum. I've had the same experience as you however. I just like the easiness of remote administration that Linux provides.

--I'd love to mark this thing as solved, but can't find the option?
Glad you got it working =)

i don't think there is any option for marking thread as solved (someone will probably correct me if i'm wrong).

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