Edit Main Category Title - Help Pls
Hi, I am new to XBMC and MediaStream.

I would like to change the main menu of "Watch My Video" to "Setup My Video" but I don't know how. I know the setting is in the 720p/xml files but I don't know which one and which lines.

Can anyone help please?
Thank you
Edit the Home.xml file with any text editor and near the bottom, you'll see:

<description>My Videos Button</description>
            <label> $LOCALIZE[31001] </label>
            <label2> $LOCALIZE[31011] </label2>

Change the labels to make it say what you wish. for example change it to
<description>My Videos Button</description>
            <label> My Videos </label>
            <label2> Set Up </label2>

and it will say Set Up for the smaller top section, and My Videos for the larger bottom section of text.
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Thank you very much nicoli! That is exactly what I wanted, Big Grin

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